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Dr. James Walton’s “Ultimate Weight Loss” CD
Wins Best Album Award
in the Just Plain Folks Music Awards
Los Angeles, CA
September 2, 2009
Dr. James Walton’s Ultimate Weight Loss CD won top honors in the prestigious Just Plain Folks Music Awards held in Nashville, Tennessee on August 29, 2009. With more than 10,000 industry professionals voting, Ultimate Weight Loss, a combination of Dr. Walton’s coaching, guided self-hypnosis, meditation and an engaging musical score, was named Best Album in the Self-help category. Another CD by Dr. Walton, “Forgiveness” took third place in the same category.
Just Plain Folks is the largest independent music awards in the world, drawing from more than 100 countries, with more than 51,000 music industry professional members worldwide.
In a gala with more than 1200 people attending, Dr. Walton, a Los Angeles psychotherapist, accepted his award, telling the audience:
“My album is on weight loss, however, it is not about judging the body you already have. It’s about loving that body in all its forms, heavy, skinny, and every other way just as it is right now.
“It’s the only body you have and the only one you’ll ever have for the rest of your life. It will always be with you. Love it and respect it for what it is.
“Succeeding at weight loss is not as much about losing the weight you carry with you in your body as it is about feeling the lightness you can carry with you in your heart that makes all the difference in your life.”
Dr. Walton, who uses a combination of psychotherapy and clinical hypnosis in my private practice in Los Angeles, has produced eight self-help CDs on health, stress, relationship issues and high pressure situations including Dr. Walton’s Stop Smoking, which won first runner up in JPF’s 2006 Self-Help category.
His CD, Surviving the Wedding was featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine. He has appeared as a psychological commentator on MSNBC’s Oscar Ceremony show, on Discovery Health Channel, Fox Entertainment, and numerous other outlets. He hosted “Shrink Rap,” on KCSN radio in Los Angeles and currently contributes to a television program on Dr. James Walton holds a doctorate in Clinical Psychology and a Master's Degree in Family Therapy.

Stress Relief and Deep Sleep
by Dr. James E. Walton, Ph.D.
Feel at peace everywhere. Move beyond the limits of your world and let go of stress. Enjoy more energy, feel more alert, and regain control of your body & your life with this proven and unique relaxation process.
Fall asleep quickly through hypnosis. If you've been searching for a better night's sleep, then you'll find it here in this soothing and mind releasing album. Awaken in the morning feeling refreshed, vibrant and ready for a great day.
by Dr. James E. Walton, Ph.D.
After Breaking UP: Healing the Heart & Finding Happiness
by Dr. James E. Walton, Ph.D.
by Dr. James E. Walton, Ph.D.
by Dr. James E. Walton, Ph.D.
Never lose your temper again. If you've been searching for a way to release anger from your life, then you will find it in this inspirational album. You can gain control over your emotions and find healthier ways of expressing yourself. Share this with your family and friends.
Stress Relief and Deep Sleep
by Dr. James E. Walton, Ph.D.
by Dr. James E. Walton, Ph.D.
After Breaking UP: Healing the Heart & Finding Happiness
by Dr. James E. Walton, Ph.D.
Resolve the hurt so you can move forward again and find happiness in your life. Healing the heart, mind and spirit as you awaken a new inner-strength for living and enjoying life after a break up.
by Dr. James E. Walton, Ph.D.
Featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine, filled with effective insights to help the bride transition into married life. Lift the spirit and center her world for a lifetime of happiness. A wedding is an event; a marriage is for a lifetime. Be prepared for both.
by Dr. James E. Walton, Ph.D.
by Dr. James E. Walton, Ph.D.
Never smoke again. If you've been looking for a way to stop smoking now and enjoy more energy, greater focus, and regain control of your urges, then this proven, Award-Winning album is for you.
14 day risk-free trial on all albums
Call today to set up a free office consultation for further information on LA Therapy and Counseling in Los Angeles.
Clinical Member, California Association of Marriage & Family Therapists
by Dr. James E. Walton, Ph.D.
Jeff Tannen – Licensed CA Marriage & Family Therapist
Outstanding! Dr.Walton has made an ideal CD that effectively targets all the weight loss issues whether you want to lose a lot or little weight.
Charles Buell – Financial Consultant
This CD is an effective way to loose weight. It is not a one stop quick fix but something you have to reveiw on a weekly or monthly basis to loose weight and keep it off. I lost about 10 pounds in a month (something I have been trying to do for years). When I notice those few pounds starting to come back, I just listed to the CD again. It relly help me to be able to push myself away from the table without wishing for more food.
Jody Yordan – Music Producer
Thank you Dr. Walton for this amazing cd.Your methods and detailed meditation made this an easy way to conquer my compulsive eating habits and I cant thank you enough.This cd is amazing.I have lost 8 lbs in two weeks and I'm blown away.
Never over-eat or binge again. You can lose the weight and have a healthier body. It’s the only body you’ll ever have. Love it and respect it without judgment. Success at weight loss is not as much about shrinking the body as it is about expanding the heart.
Out of over 45,000 album entries, Ultimate Weight Loss won "Best Self-Help Album of the Year" at the 2009 international JPF Music Awards, the world's largest independent music awards.
Dr. Jim receives the "Best Album" Award from Brian Whitney, founder and chairman of the JPF Independent Music Awards
Dr. Jim giving a speach at the 2009 JPF Awards after receiving 1st place for the Ultimate Weight Loss album
As a winner of a JPF Music Award, you're part of a special club and it never goes away. Our awards in 2009 will likely stand for a long time as the largest music awards ever conducted in world history. Because we are returning to a yearly structure, it's unlikely that the 2010 awards will be as large. So you have a distinction that may well stand for quite some time. To survive 17 months including 5 pre-lim rounds of screening and then rise to the very top of the final nominees is really impressive. We had entries from 163 countries and nominees from app. 100. Only 80 songs out of 560,000 won an award and only 93 albums out of over 42,000 won an award. That's still mind boggling to me. You should be proud of the accomplishment knowing that there were no industry politics or insider deals or special treatment and it certainly wasn't just a popularity contest. I've only met a handful of you in person before these awards. You did this 100% on your own and based solely on your music moving people. We had over 10,000 judges assigned in the final round alone.
This is what Brian, founder of JPF, has to say about the JPF Award winners
Dr. Jim receving the award in Nashville, TN